Boosting immunity for viral protection

We are over 600 days into a global pandemic and it can start to feel confusing. We know so much more about SARS COV2 than we did a year ago. However, for all the knowledge we have gained, we have also found more questions.

This is the natural process of a disease unfolding. The more we learn, the more we wonder. Researchers are now learning that SARS COV2 is actually a vascular disease. Both the virus and the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer BionTech and Moderna) affect the vascular system. Essentially, we can’t win.

According to Dr. Matthew Cook, some of the considerations to keep in mind when thinking about getting vaccinated, getting a booster shot, or remaining unvaccinated, include “current medications, past medical history, current illnesses, and clinical and laboratory evaluation of inflammatory markers, cardio-metabolic markers, vitamin D and other nutrient levels, vector-borne infections, opportunistic infections, mycotoxin and chemical toxin burdens, and genetic variants.” All of these factors affect immunity and must therefore be thoughtfully reviewed before making a decision.

What we can do is take charge of our health. We can focus on promoting circulatory wellness by moving our bodies and eating healthy fats like salmon, avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds.

In addition, there are some vitamins and minerals that are essential to a healthy immune response. Here’s the list of what I am currently recommending for adults. For children under the age of 16, cut the dose in half.


  • Vitamin A 5,000 IU daily - upregulates secretory IgA along the mucosal surfaces of the respiratory tract that are the first point of entry for a respiratory virus.

  • Vitamin D 5,000 IU daily - decreases the severity of viral infection. Please check your vitamin D levels and make sure that they are at 50 minimum. If they are below 50, please contact me to learn about a therapeutic dose to get your levels up.

  • Liposomal glutathione 250 mg daily - reduces the severity of cytokine storm.

  • Zinc plus copper 30 mg daily - stops viruses from replicating in the system.

  • Quercetin 250 mg daily - helps zinc to get into tissues, promotes cognitive ability, reduces histamine response.


Here are some other strategies for immune support.


Turn the water to cold for the last 10 seconds of your shower for a hit of invigorating cold water. If you don’t take morning showers, try splashing your face with cold water. Take 3 deep breaths consciously after your cold exposure.


Start your day with a savory, whole foods breakfast. Eating breakfast prepares your body to be energized and metabolize effectively for the rest of the day.. Include a quality protein such as eggs, nuts and seeds, beans, tempeh, or grass-fed animal foods. Add in a whole grain, fruit and / or vegetables for fiber.


One of the active compounds in turmeric is curcumin, which modulates the immune system and activates T cells, B cells, macrophages, and neutrophils. It can reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines and has been shown to improve antibody responses, which may be a worthwhile consideration in the context of vaccination. Take 1,000 mg daily to support immunity. Use turmeric with caution after vaccination unless you are having a severe or inappropriately persistent inflammatory response.


Elderberry (sambucus nigra) effectively helps to treat respiratory infections, including SARS COV2. In addition, it’s high in vitamin C, which makes it even more of a valuable plant resource. Take a tablespoon of syrup or two droppers of tincture daily throughout the colder months.


If you believe you have been exposed to SARS COV2, regardless of your vaccination status, I suggest following this protocol for 7 days. It takes between 4 to 6 days after exposure for someone to become contagious.

  • Vitamin D 10,000 IU daily

  • Vitamin A 10,000 IU daily

  • Selenium 50 mcg daily

  • Zinc 30 mg daily

  • NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) 600 mg daily

  • Andrographis tincture 5 droppers daily

  • Dandelion leaf tincture 5 droppers daily

  • Xclear nasal spray 3 times daily

As always, I am here to help. Do not hesitate to reach out for support:


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