spring wellness strategies

How can we reset our systems as we move between seasons?

Here are some strategies to support overall wellness and enjoy life. I trust these wellness tips will prove helpful to you. Take the ones that resonate and leave the rest.

Drink Water

Water is life! It helps cells function properly and keeps them from proliferating out of control. It supports healthy elimination and prepares the gut’s buffer cells to digest our food. It’s also a great tool for extending the amount of time that can pass between meals, thereby balancing blood glucose and eliminating hypoglycemia.

Promote Detoxification

Chronic stress leads to inflammation. Chronic inflammation leads to a whole host of chronic diseases. it’s easy to promote the body’s own innate capacity to heal. Drinking lemon water, eating green vegetables and cutting out all processed sugar are the best ways to support the body’s capacity to detoxify so that our vital organs can do the work of helping us feel full vibrant.

Grow Your Gratitude

Expressing gratitude has been shown to boost mood receptors in the brain, which contributes to overall happiness and health. Showing kindness is a crucial foundation for enjoying life into our elder years. In our household, we sing this song at dinner. Everyone takes a turn substituting the word “day” for another thing that they appreciate like food, hugs, friends, sunshine, breath …

Thank you for this day my friends, thank you for this day.

Thank you for this day my friends, thank you for this day.

This healing, this healing, this healing day.

This healing, this healing, this healing day.

Find a Movement Practice That’s Nourishing

Find movement that you enjoy and build it in to your week. Take walks with a friend, ride a stationary bicycle or bike around the block, jump up and down to your favorite song, or do 3 push ups before you take a shower. Start small and keep building on your success. Movement boosts mood, cleanses the lymphatic system, balances blood pressure, and promotes healthy elimination.

Turn the Shower Dial to Cold

Daily cold exposure has been proven to support the body’s innate capacity to active the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems. Turn your shower dial to cold for the last 15 to 30 seconds of your shower and breathe! The first few seconds may feel uncomfortable, but the body quickly adjusts and thrives!

Develop a Mindfulness Practice

When we sped 30 seconds closing the eyes and taking 3 deep breaths before meals, our gut gets the message that it’s safe to digest our food and our brain chemistry re-sets and de-stresses. This is the easiest and most profoundly healing practice. Try it!

Eliminate Caffeine After Noon

Afternoon stimulants greatly affect our capacity to sleep well at night. If you have not done so already, slowly try to stop ingesting caffeine after noon.

Get Good Quality Sleep

Proper sleep is the foundation of health. Truly. It gives the liver a chance to detoxify the body, allows us to process all that has happened during the day, and re-wires neural pathways to promote brain flexibility and slow down aging. If you are concerned you are not getting enough sleep or waking up often in the night, contact me to talk more about the solution.


Laughter truly is the best medicine. It tells the brain to release mood boosting chemicals and fosters connection between us and out loved one.

Eat the Rainbow

Organic fruit and vegetables are incredible medicine because of their plant nutrient content. Focus on organic whenever possible so that you are not eating pesticides. The most nutrient-dense choices that also reduce inflammation are: blueberries, raspberries, sweet potatoes, winter squash, zucchini, kale, collard greens, chard, spinach, beets, carrots, purple potatoes, cauliflower, leeks, garlic, ginger, artichoke, avocado.


wellness podcast


simple tips: anti-inflammatory diet